NicoThePico is a high-level League of Legends player and coach. He has been a challenger tier jungler for multiple teams in the EU LCS, including Origen and Fnatic. He also coaches on GamerSensei where he has helped many players improve their games to rank up. In this course, he will teach you 3 important aspects of League of Legends that are vital to your progression as a player.
Getting better at League of Legends is all about learning how to play smart. This means knowing what the most important objectives in each match are and how to achieve them. These objectives can be primary (such as taking down a tower or destroying enemy base) or secondary (like achieving a kill streak). This chapter will teach you how to focus on these goals and help you become a better overall League of Legends player.
When you play League of Legends, there are three different phases to the game: the early game, mid game, and late game. These phases refer to the time when the game is starting, the turrets are up, and most players are in their lanes. Some champions are designed to be strong at the beginning of the game, while others start weak but get stronger as the game goes on. This process is known as "scaling". This chapter will discuss the three phases of League of Legends and how to maximize your performance in each of them.롤대리